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  4. First access – set the password

First access – set the password

To access the platform you need to know the email address and the initial or temporary password you have been assigned. This information may have been given to you by the service administrator in your company or directly by the support line, by email or by SMS.

The first task you should perform is to set a password that is known only to you.

  1. Start your web browser (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, etc.) and visit the platform access web address : http://mail.sooma.com Login no interface webmail profissional
    1. Where it saysUser enter your full email address.
    2. Where it saysPassword enter your temporary password.
    3. Click on the “Login” button.
    The web interface is designed to work in all major browsers (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Safari and Opera). If you are having difficulties it is likely that you are using a very old browser version – we advise you to upgrade your browser to a newer version.
  2. If your e-mail address has already been created by the service administrator you will be presented with a screen where you can set your access password: Alterar a palavra-passe
    1. Where Current password is shown re-enter the temporary password.
    2. Under New password set the password you wish to use to access the service.
    3. To ensure that no typing errors occur that will prevent you from accessing the service in the future, confirm the new password where Re-enter the new password is indicated.
    4. Finally, click the “Save” button to finish the task. If the temporary password is correct, and the new password and its repetition match, the service will update your credentials by displaying the following confirmation:

Congratulations! Your password to access the service is now known only to you. We store only encrypted versions of passwords, so no one (neither the service administrator at your company nor the support line technicians) has any way of knowing your password.

From now on, you can manage your mail on all the devices you want (webmail interface and mail management programs on your computer, phones and tablets) indicating your full email address and the password you set.

It is possible that the administrator does not require you to change your password immediately. In such cases, you can still change the password you have been assigned for one that is easier to remember:

  1. After logging in as described in point 1) click on the indication of your email address or your name (located in the upper right corner of the screen) and choose the “Preferences” option;
  2. Then click on “Change Password” which is the first option in the settings menu (located in the left area of the screen);
  3. Follow the instructions in point 2 above.
Updated on January 17, 2023

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