Forward messages

This article describes the configuration of some common use cases where you need to forward incoming messages at one address to other recipients.

One-time forwarding of all messages

This is the most common scenario and can be configured by the user who is the original recipient of the messages (for example, when you want to forward the messages you receive during vacations).

  1. Log in to the web interface and visit the configuration area of your mailbox;
    Click on your name/email (located in the upper right area) and then on “Preferences”.

  2. Choose “Filters” (vertical menu located on the left)
    Indicate whether you want to keep a copy of the messages, the addresses where to redirect the messages and finally click the “save and activate” button.
  3. Fill out the form, indicating whether you want to keep a copy of the forwarded messages, as well as the list of recipients. Click the “save and activate” button.

Permanent forwarding of all messages

The above method is advisable when you want to forward the messages and at the same time want to keep the original box. However, for use cases where it is not necessary to keep the original box (i.e. where it is acceptable to delete the box associated with the discontinued address) you can also choose to delete the mailbox and create an “Alias”, which is a rule for permanent forwarding of messages received at a given address.

Aliases can only be created and managed by service administrators.
Aliases that redirect messages to other addresses in the same customer account are free of charge.

Selective forwarding of messages that show a pattern

If you want to forward messages according to a certain pattern (messages sent by a particular customer/domain, from a particular person, etc.) you can create user filters and/or domain filters (function available exclusively for service administrators).

Updated on January 17, 2023

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